Veterans Hospital Nursing Home Ministry

Description: In 1995, Rev. Ernest R. Gibson accepted the opportunity to initiate this ministry when after 21 years, another church decided to give up their Worship Service at the Veterans Hospital. The Ministry began with Rev. Claudius Jones and Rev. Lucy G. Horne holding worship services at the nursing home once a month. Other participating members were Deaconess Eva Cook, and the late Deacon Nathaniel Banks. At various times, the Gibson Gospel Singers, the Men’s Chorus and other singing groups have lent their support. Students from the Washington Baptist Seminary, the Howard University School of Divinity, other ministers and lay persons from usually consists of prayers, singing, words of encouragement, scripture reading, testimonies and a sermon. Opportunity is given to allow audience participation from residents and staff. Services have been tremendously joyful and spiritually uplifting.

Chair: Vacant