Teen Ushers
Description: To teach ushering skills to teenagers 13 - 19.
Meetings: Monday before third Sunday at 7:00 PM
Director: Mrs. Barbara Van Hagen
Assistant Directors , Deacon Clarence Thompson, Deaconess Phyllis Thompson
Email: teenushers@firstrising.org
Young Adult Ushers
Description: The Young Adult ministry is called to assist and greet church members and visitors as they arrive at church and worship GOD during church service. Also, assist church officers in collecting tithes and offering at each morning service.
Meetings: Third Sunday after the morning worship when we serve.
President: Deacon Derrick Ford
Vice President: Mrs. Tamara McRay
Email: youngadultushers@firstrising.org
Junior Ushers
Description: Our goal is to teach girls and boys between the ages of 7 and 12 ushering skills.
Meetings: The fourth Monday of each month we user - 7:00pm - 8:00pm in the Educational Building
Director: Mrs. LaShunt Wooden
Assistant Directors , Deacon Clarence Thompson, Deaconess Phyllis Thompson
Women's Auxiliary Ushers #2
Description: Every second Sunday at both services.
President: Mrs. Verlectic DeVane
Email: womensauxiliary2@firstrising.org
Nurses Unit
Description: To provide First Aid for the congregation
President" (vacant)
Description: To provide First Aid for the congregation
President" (vacant)
Senior Ushers
Description: Serve on 4th Sundays at both services
President: Mr. Bobby Moss
Email: seniorushers@firstrising.org
Women's Auxiliary Ushers #1
Description: Consist of adult christian women called to usher in the paraishioners, visitors and the presence of GOD. We are door keepers in the house of the Lord and to make the congregation comfortable and seat the guest visitors.
Meetings: 3rd Saturday of every month at 10:00am - except for month of August
President: Ms. Mary Samuels
Email: Pgee_70@msn.com